My business is an authorized dealer for numerous pickup companies, but Seymour Duncan is my favorite
A customer wanted a new neck for his Strat. New tuners as well
The process is not complicated, but requires care
Gotoh tuners are the best on the market
The customer was very happy with the new neck and tuners
Customer was not happy with previous luthier’s attempt at a vintage style tailpiece (not shown). He decided to have me install a “stop bar” tailpiece to replace it
I have a special drill press that allows for accurate drilling of holes anywhere on a guitar body. It also works well as a press for fitting these bushings
Final product. Holes from old tailpiece still show
Vintage, high end Ibanez in need of a fret level
The Stew Mac neck jig helps do an accurate leveling on tricky necks
After leveling, crowning, and a bit of hand buffing, we put the frets to the pro grade buffing wheel for a high shine
I designed and built a special jig for holding bolt on necks. This makes fret jobs much easier
Stainless Steel frets are becoming very popular for their long wearing properties
Just a few “Partscasters” I’ve built over the years…
Topaz Blue! I only use high quality parts for my Partscaster builds
Graffiti Yellow Warmoth body with a 1979 Fender P-Bass neck